001. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
002. "https://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
003. <html>
004. <head>
005. <title>Large Blue Live Clock</title>
006. <!-- Host is theCopyExchange on A2 -->
007. <meta name="description" content="Current time displayed, local or other zone, in large numbers on blue background - Plus: View Source Scripts, Show System Clock, Convert GMT to your US Time Zone, Show Lunar Calendar by Year." >
008. <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
009. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1;">
010. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://esand.net/liveClock/commons/mainStylesheet.css" >
011. <link rel="shortcut icon" href="https://liveclock.org/favicon.ico" >
012. <meta http-equiv="CACHE-CONTROL" content="no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0, Pragma: no-cache" >
013. <script type="text/javascript">
014. if ( contactWindow != null ) { contactWindow.close() ; }
015. else { var contactWindow ; }
016. if ( phaseTable != null ) { phaseTable.close() ; }
017. else { var phaseTable ; }
018. <?php
019. $dsplPic = 0 ;
020. $qry = $_SERVER[ 'QUERY_STRING' ] ;
021. if ( $qry == NULL ) { $q = "" ; }
022. else { $q = "?".$qry ; }
023. print ( '
024. function Exit() { window.location = "/'.$q.'" ; }
025. ' ) ;
026. error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE ) ;
027. $jw = '/home/copyexch/public_html' ;
028. $bw = $jw.'/liveClock' ;
029. include ( $bw.'/timeChange.php' ) ;
030. include ( $bw.'/displayTime.htm' ) ;
031. include ( $bw.'/disclaim.php' ) ;
032. include ( $bw.'/timeFunctions.php' ) ;
033. $tZone = " " ; $tZ = " " ; $cont = " " ;
034. $hostSite = 'https://'.strtolower( $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ] ) ;
035. $blue = "/blueClock" ;
036. $thisHere = $hostSite.$blue ;
037. function viewSource( $fn ) {
038. $path = $fn ;
039. print( '
040. <div align="left" style="font: 11px Courier ; " >
041. <br><br>
042. ' ) ;
043. $LineNo = 0 ;
044. $LineOut = ' ' ;
045. if ( ( $sc = fopen( $fn, 'r' ) ) != false ) {
046. while ( ( $record = fgets( $sc ) ) != false ) {
047. $record = str_replace( '&', '&', $record ) ;
048. $record = str_replace( '<', '<', $record ) ;
049. $record = str_replace( '>', '>', $record ) ;
050. $LineNo ++ ;
051. $LineOut = str_pad( strval( $LineNo ), 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ).'. '.$record.'<br>' ;
052. print( $LineOut ) ;
053. }
054. fclose( $sc ) ;
055. }
056. else { print( 'File not found in '.$path.'<br>' ) ; }
057. print( '</div><br><br>' ) ;
058. }
059. ?>
060. var b = 0 ;
061. var tmr = null ;
062. var newsStr = " " ;
063. var str200 = " " ;
064. var ix = 1 ;
065. while ( ix < 200 ) { str200 = str200 + " " ; ix ++ ; }
066. newsStr = str200 ;
067. function Ticker() {
068. b=( b==newsStr.length )? 0 : b + 1 ;
069. if( b <= 1 ) {
070. newsStr = str200 + disclaimer ;
071. b = 2 ;
072. }
073. document.forms[ "ticker" ].display.value = newsStr.substr( b ) ;
074. tmr = setTimeout( "Ticker()", 200 ) ;
075. }
076. function setClockVariables() {
077. document.forms[ "clock1" ].display1.value = " " ;
078. if ( tZone == "GMT" ) { document.forms[ "clock2" ].display2.value = clock2 ; }
079. else { document.forms[ "clock2" ].display2.value = clock6 ; }
080. document.forms[ "clock7" ].display7.value = clock7 ;
081. if ( ( minutes % 20 == 2 ) && ( seconds == 30 ) ) { startTicker() ; }
082. }
083. </script>
084. </head>
086. <body background="img/blue-mist.jpg" onLoad=" tellTime() ; " >
088. <style type="text/css">
089. select { font: 15px Verdana ; color: #2222AA ; padding: 2px ; background-color: #A0A0A8 ; }
090. input { font: 14px Verdana ; color: #2222AA ; background-color: transparent ; padding: 2px ; }
091. input:hover { font: 14px Verdana ; color: #4444FF ; background-color: #A0A0A8 ; padding: 2px ; }
092. div.s1 input { font: 24px Courier New ; color: #0000FF ; padding: 10px ; text-align: center ; width: 800px ; height: 30px ; border: 0 ; background-color: transparent ; }
093. div.s2 input { font: 100px Courier New ; color: #0000FF ; font-weight: bold ; padding: 10px ; text-align: center ; width: 800px ; height: 120px ; border: 0 ; background-color: transparent ; opacity: 0.5 ; }
094. div.s3 input { font: 30px Courier New ; color: #0000FF ; padding: 10px ; text-align: center ; width: 800px ; height: 30px ; border: 0 ; background-color: transparent ; font-weight: bold ; }
095. div.s7 input { font: 24px Courier New ; color: #0000FF ; padding: 10px ; text-align: center ; width: 800px ; height: 30px ; border: 0 ; background-color: transparent ; font-weight: bold ; }
096. div.tick input { font: 12px Verdana ; color: #4444FF ; font-weight: 600 ; width: 600px ; height: 15px ; border: 0 ; background-color: transparent ; }
097. div.tick input:hover { font: 12px Verdana ; color: #4444FF ; font-weight: 600 ; width: 600px ; height: 15px ; border: 0 ; background-color: transparent ; }
098. a.t:link { font: 11px Verdana ; color: #0000FF ; text-decoration: none ; background-color: transparent ; padding: 2px ; border: 1px solid #A6B9FB ; font-weight: bold ; }
099. a.t:visited { font: 11px Verdana ; color: #0000FF ; text-decoration: none ; background-color: transparent ; padding: 2px ; border: 1px solid #A6B9FB ; font-weight: bold ; }
100. a.t:hover { font: 11px Verdana ; color: #FFFFFF ; text-decoration: none ; background-color: #A6B9FB ; padding: 2px ; border: 1px solid #FFFFFF ; font-weight: bold ; }
101. a.t:active { font: 11px Verdana ; color: #A6B9FB ; text-decoration: none ; background-color: #DDE4F1 ; padding: 2px ; border: 1px solid #DDE4F1 ; font-weight: bold ;}
102. </style>
104. <script type="text/javascript">
105. var bx = 0 ; var bxb = 0 ;
106. function flyingCrane() {
107. bx ++ ;
108. document.getElementById( "flyingCrane" ).style.right = bx + "px" ;
109. if ( bx < 2000 ) { setTimeout( "flyingCrane() ; ", 10 ) ; } else { Hide( "flyingCrane" ) ; bx = 0 ; }
110. }
111. function flyingCraneBack() {
112. bxb ++ ;
113. document.getElementById( "flyingCraneBack" ).style.left = bxb + "px" ;
114. if ( bxb < 2000 ) { setTimeout( "flyingCraneBack() ; ", 10 ) ; } else { Hide( "flyingCraneBack" ) ; bxb = 0 ; }
115. }
116. function craneTimer() {
117. var sSec = seconds ; var sMin = minutes ;
118. if ( ( ( sMin % 3 ) == 0 ) & ( ( sSec == 9 ) | ( sSec == 45 ) ) & ( !isVisible( 'flyingCrane' ) ) ) { Reveal( 'flyingCrane' ) ; flyingCrane() ; }
119. if ( ( ( sMin % 4 ) == 0 ) & ( ( sSec == 51 ) | ( sSec == 16 ) ) & ( !isVisible( 'flyingCraneBack' ) ) ) { Reveal( 'flyingCraneBack' ) ; flyingCraneBack() ; }
120. setTimeout( 'craneTimer() ; ', 500 ) ;
121. }
122. var birdOn = false ;
123. function flyBird() {
124. setTimeout( "Reveal( 'flyingCrane' ) ; flyingCrane() ; ", 2000 ) ;
125. birdOn = true ;
126. craneTimer() ;
127. }
128. </script>
130. <center>
132. <div align="center" class="s1" style="width: 100% ; margin-top: 10% ; " >
133. <form id="clock1" >
134. <input type="text" name="display1" readonly >
135. </form>
136. </div>
138. <div align="center" class="s2" style="width: 100% ; height: 10% ; " >
139. <form id="clock2" >
140. <input type="text" name="display2" readonly >
141. </form>
142. </div>
144. <div id="flyingCrane" style="display: none ; position: fixed ; top: 200px ; right: 0 ; " >
145. <img src= "https://liveclock.net/blueClock/img/craneLeft.gif" alt="«·" >
146. </div>
148. <div id="flyingCraneBack" style="display: none ; position: fixed ; top: 300px ; left: 0 ; " >
149. <img src="https://liveclock.net/blueClock/img/craneRight.gif" alt="·»" >
150. </div>
152. <div id="sourceS" style="display: none ; " >
153. <div style="margin: 2% ; padding: 2% ; border: 1px solid #666688 ; " >
154. <img src="https://liveclock.net/img/transparentHorizontal.png" alt="100 wide" width="1000" height="1" >
155. <?php
156. viewSource( $bw.'/fullScreen.php' ) ;
157. ?>
158. </div>
159. </div>
161. <div id="space150" style="display: block ; height: 100px ; ">
162. <p> </p>
163. </div>
165. <div id="sourceC" style="display: none ; " >
166. <div style="margin: 2% ; padding: 2% ; border: 1px solid #666688 ; " >
167. <img src="https://liveclock.net/img/transparentHorizontal.png" alt="100 wide" width="1000" height="1" >
168. <?php
169. viewSource( $bw.'/displayTime.htm' ) ;
170. ?>
171. </div>
172. </div>
174. <div id="sourceS" style="display: none ; " >
175. <div style="margin: 2% ; padding: 2% ; border: 1px solid #666688 ; " >
176. <img src="https://liveclock.net/img/transparentHorizontal.png" alt="100 wide" width="1000" height="1" >
177. <?php
178. viewSource( $bw.'/blueClock/fullScreen.php' ) ;
179. ?>
180. </div>
181. </div>
183. <br>
184. <div id="mainIdea" align="center" class="s7" style="display: block ; width: 100% ; height: 20% ; " >
185. <form id="clock3" >
186. <input type="text" name="display3" readonly >
187. </form>
188. <form id="clock7" >
189. <input type="text" name="display7" readonly >
190. </form>
191. </div>
193. <div align="center" id="SysDate" class="s3" style="display: none ; width: 100% ; height: 10% ; " >
194. <form id="cpuD" >
195. <input type="text" name="dateString" readonly >
196. </form>
197. </div>
198. <br>
199. <div align="center" id="SysClock" class="s3" style="display: none ; width: 100% ; height: 10% ; " >
200. <form id="cpuT" >
201. <input type="text" name="clockString" readonly >
202. </form>
203. </div>
204. <br>
205. <div id="GMTconvert" style="display: none ; width: 100% ; height: 15% ; " >
206. <?php
207. include( $bw.'/commons/GMTtoUSAform.php' ) ;
208. ?>
209. </div>
210. <br>
211. <div align="center" id="changeZone" style="display: none ; width: 100% ; height: 10% ; " >
212. <?php
213. include( $bw.'/commons/changeZone.php' ) ;
214. ?>
215. </div>
217. <div align="center" id="filler" style="display: block ; width: 100% ; height: 10% ; margin-top: 10px ; " >
218. <p> </p>
219. <div align="center" class="tick">
220. <form id="ticker" >
221. <input type="text" name="display">
222. </form>
223. </div>
224. </div>
226. <div id="footer" align="center" style="display: block ; width: 100% ; " >
227. <p><br></p>
228. <img src="/img/transparentHorizontal.png" alt="+" width="800" height="1" ><br>
229. <a href='javascript: goTo( "<?php print( $thisHere.'/index.php'. $q ) ; ?>" ) ; ' class="t" >home</a> · <a href='javascript: goTo( "<?php print( $hostSite.'/fullScreen.php'. $q ) ; ?>" ) ; ' class="t" >alternate view</a> · <a href="javascript: if ( navigator.onLine ) {
230. window.location.assign( 'https://liveclock.net/blueClock/fullScreen.php<?php print( $q ) ; ?>' ) ; } else { alert( 'Sorry! Internet is down right now.' ) ; } " class="t" >alternate host</a> · <a href='javascript: goTo( "window.location.reload()" ) ; ' class="t" >reload screen</a> · <a href="javascript: if ( isVisible( 'changeZone' ) || !navigator.onLine ) { Hide( 'changeZone' ) ; Show( 'filler' ) ; } else { Show( 'changeZone' ) ; Hide( 'filler' ) ; } " class="t" >set time zone</a> · <a href="javascript: if ( navigator.onLine ) {
231. if ( ( contactWindow == null ) || ( contactWindow.closed ) ) { contactWindow=window.open( 'https://liveclock.org/contact.htm','_blank','location=0,left=1,top=1,height=400,width=400' ) ; contactWindow.focus() ; } else { contactWindow.close() ; } } else { alert( 'Please retry when back online.' ) ; } " class="t" >contact</a> · <a href="javascript: ToggleDisplay( 'moreFooter' ) ; ToggleDisplay( 'footerSpace' ) ; " class="t" title="System Clock · View Source · Lunar Calendar · Let Bird Fly" >+/-</a>
232. </div>
233. <br>
234. <div id="moreFooter" align="center" style="display: none ; width: 100% ; " height="10%" >
235. <a href="javascript: if ( isVisible ( 'SysClock' ) ) { Hide( 'SysClock' ) ; Show( 'filler' ) ; Show( 'mainIdea' ) ; } else { Hide( 'sourceS' ) ; Hide( 'sourceC' ) ; Hide( 'filler' ) ; Show( 'space150' ) ; Show( 'SysClock' ) ; getSysClock() ; } " class="t" >display system clock</a> · <a href="javascript: if ( isVisible( 'sourceS' ) ) { Hide( 'sourceS' ) ; Show( 'filler' ) ; Show( 'space150' ) ; Show( 'mainIdea' ) ; } else { Hide( 'sourceC' ) ; Hide( 'mainIdea' ) ; Hide( 'GMTconvert' ) ; Hide( 'filler' ) ; Hide( 'space150' ) ; Show ( 'sourceS' ) ; } " class="t" >display source</a> · <a href="javascript: if ( isVisible( 'sourceC' ) ) { Hide( 'sourceC' ) ; Show( 'filler' ) ; Show( 'space150' ) ; Show( 'mainIdea' ) ; } else { Hide( 'sourceS' ) ; Hide( 'mainIdea' ) ; Hide( 'GMTconvert' ) ; Hide( 'filler' ) ; Hide( 'space150' ) ; Show ( 'sourceC' ) ; } " class="t" >display clockworks</a> · <a href="javascript: if ( isVisible( 'GMTconvert' ) ) { Hide( 'GMTconvert' ) ; Show( 'mainIdea' ) ; Show ( 'filler' ) ; } else { Hide( 'sourceS' ) ; Hide( 'sourceC' ) ; Hide( 'filler' ) ; Show( 'space150' ) ; Show( 'GMTconvert' ) ; } " class="t" >display GMT to US zone</a> · <a href="javascript:
236. if ( navigator.onLine ) { if ( ( phaseTable == null ) || ( phaseTable.closed ) ) { phaseTable=window.open( 'https://liveclock.org/commons/moonPhase.php','_blank','location=0,left=1,top=1,height=550,width=900' ) ; phaseTable.focus() ; } else { phaseTable.close() ; } } else { alert( 'Need online connectivity for this!' ) ; } " class="t" >display lunar calendar</a> · <a href="javascript: if ( birdOn ) { if ( navigator.onLine ) { window.location.reload() ; } } else { flyBird() ; } " class="t" >fly bird</a>
237. <br>
238. </div>
240. <div id="footerSpace" align="center" style="display: block ; width: 100% ; " height="10%" >
241. <p> <br></p>
242. </div>
244. <div id="altFooter" align="center" style="display: none ; width: 100% ; " >
245. <p style="font: 14px Verdana ; color: #808080 ; " >
246. The application could not connect to the Internet, but will continue processing.<br>The clock will reset after reconnection.</p>
247. <p> <br></p>
248. </div>
250. </center>
252. <p> <br></p>
254. <script type="text/javascript">
255. var tickerOn = false ;
256. var newsStr = str200 ;
257. var b = 0 ;
258. document.forms[ "ticker" ].display.value = " " ;
260. function startTicker() {
261. if ( tickerOn ) { return ; }
262. else {
263. tickerOn = true ;
264. Reveal( 'filler' ) ;
265. Ticker() ;
266. }
267. }
268. </script>
270. </body>
271. </html>